Black necked grebe at Godmanchester Nature Reserve

 A cold morning was the perfect time to visit my local reserve to see what I could add to my rather small list so far for 2022 and especially since I had heard a black necked grebe had been seen there.

I decided to walk round the southern side first as that was was nearer the island where the ducks seem to shelter.  I came to the opening where I knew there was a good view and asked a birder who  was already standing with his  scope  if he had seen the grebe. He hadn't so I just scanned the island with my binoculars and took a few zoomed in photos as I have found  that I can  sometimes identify birds from photos which I havent been able to from  my binoculars. I noticed a little grebe bob up not far from the  shore which I was pleased with as this small grebe often evades me. Further round the lake I came across a group of birders also looking for the black necked grebe and had managed to spot it in  their telescope.  They kindly let  me have a look and I was able to make out a small grey and white grebe which meant I had an extra tick for my list. 

Arriving home I scanned my photos and realised I had also seen teal, common gull and lesser black backed gulls which made another 12 to add.  However when I looked at the small grebe I had first photographed I noticed it had a red eye so checked on line to find I had actually seen the black necked grebe without realising!  The birder who was with me at the time was obviously too busy looking through his scope and didnt see it right under his nose! So a good mornings birding!

black necked grebe


a distant shot revealing there were teals on the island


a calm and serene scene


great crested grebe

zoomed in photo of gulls showing blackheaded, common and lesser black backed species


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