Local waders and wagtails

 A mile or so out of the village a 'borrow pit' has been created to collect run off water from the new A14 and this has been designed as a haven for wildlife. Easily viewed from the road though requiring binoculars there have been some interesting recent visitors so I popped along last eve so see what was there.

I knew there had been some little ringed plovers seen but scanning the waters edge I soon spotted some dunlin, pied wagtails and several yellow wagtails who then flew over the top of my head to the other side of the road.  There were also mallard, black headed gulls and when I got home I saw from my photos some common tern perched on the wooden posts which I hadnt noticed! So 4 more ticks for my list!

Dunlin, Little ringed plovers, pied and yellow wagtails

Dunlin, little ringed plover, mallard, blackheaded gull and common tern,


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