Church Hill blues

Today I visited a part of Therfield Heath I hadnt been to before on the hunt for Adonis blue butterflies which I had read were found there.  I parked on the roadside just further up from my normal carpark and walked 10 mins through a woodland before it opened up at the top of Church Hill.  There were quite a few people enjoying the weather and speaking to a couple of people with tell tale cameras round their necks I soon found what I was looking for.    It was hot and sunny so not great for photographs as they didnt land much but there were both Adonis and Common blues present, the Adonis very obvious by the brighter colour.  I managed a couple of shots with wings closed.

I read that they are around till July with another brood in August so may have another look when I hope to visit the area looking for marbled whites or chalk hill blues.

This area is known for its abundance of Pasque flowers around Easter and  the seed heads were still clearly visible.  I think I may have to see for myself another year.

 Adonis Blue
 Adonis blue
 Adonis blue - just showing the bright blue upper wings.

 Church Hill

walk through Jubilee Wood


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