Birdwatch 2020

Just a quick post on this subject as weather very overcast and not suitable for photographs, I wasnt sure whether I would even see any birds! However I was pleasantly surprised and noted straightaway a woodpigeon and three greenfinches in an overhanging tree which later flew down into the garden and enjoyed their breakfast!   It wasnt long before I saw a robin hopping along beneath the feeders and a couple of bluetits feeding from the sunflower hearts.  Three great tits were seen on another feeder hanging from the tree and kept flitting to and from the nearby bushes to take sunflower hearts.

A male chaffinch put in an appearance on the back fence and later was joined by another and a couple of females on the ground beneath the feeders.   Just before the hour was up a jackdaw was seen  and a male blackbird followed by a female also appeared.

So although not a great total it was worth submitting - 8 species and 17 birds counted.
No sign of any goldfinches, dunnocks, long tailed tits or the regular visiting pheasant although I could hear him over the fence!


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