Fermyn Woods walk

I've been wanting to visit Fermyn Woods for a while so was pleased to join my grandchildren for a walk with their mum there this afternoon.  It is a Country park with walks which continue into the main woodland.  The boy enjoyed the play equipment then found it fun to see who could spot and identify the different butterflies.  No new ones found ( although this area is a hotspot for Purple Emperors  and known for purple hairstreak and white admiral)  but saw lots of Red Admirals in pristine condition, perching (?) on  a large tree trunk and along a fallen log.  Silver washed fritillaries, brimstone,  whites, tortoisehell, ringlet, speckled wood, large or small skipper and gatekeepers all seen though.  Will have to come another time earlier in the season and approach from the far end of the wood which is where the  main butterfly spotters do.

 Speckled wood
 Red Admiral
How many can you count?


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