Butterflies at Brampton

The first sunny warm day for some time so I took the opportunity of visiting Brampton Wood in the hope of perhaps seeing the last black hairstreaks of the season and a few new butterflies for this years list.

I soon got into conversation with someone just coming away and he told me what he had seen today althougt sadly no hairstreaks but I was still hopeful of seeing other species.

Sites 1 and 2 clearly marked along the main ride were the main hot spots for hairstreaks so this was where I aimed for first.   I was glad of the signs as I would never have been able to find my way through the narrow paths amongst the blackthorn.  I found the sites and waited a while but no movement, then suddenly a small brown butterfly flew and landed in a bush a short distance away but difficult to see clearly amongst the twigs and leaves.  Before I could get my binoculars focussed it flew off and I didn't find it again but it was the right size, in the right place and with what I think were the right markings so I am pretty sure it was a  black hairstreak.

I then decided to explore more of the rides but there weren't as many butterflies as I expected with just  a couple of sightings of red admirals, 3 or 4 large skippers,  a few whites, quite a lot of meadow browns which declined to settle, a few commas and one Silver Washed Fritillary.  As I was walking back I met a couple who I had seen earlier and told them where I thought I had seen a black hairstreak and they told me they had been where I suggested and had a beautiful view of one but hadn't got a camera!!   So that confirmed my sighting really. 

Another gentleman who came up and looked the typical butterfly enthusiast with hat and long beard joined the conversation and accompanied me back to where the black hairstreak had been seen as I thought I would look one more time. He also showed me some other sites but no more were to be seen.  He was very interesting to talk to and told me he had seen purple hairstreaks, purple emperors, white admirals and white letter hairstreaks in Brampton Wood in the past so worth looking for again. He also told me of a couple more local sites for butterflies.

So quite a useful day today with a few more for my list.

red admiral 


large skipper
silver washed fritillary


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