Titchwell marsh

A cold frosty morning with the promise of a fine dry day saw us leaving early to visit Titchwell Marsh with the  hope of seeing some new birds for this years list.  After a short stop at Huntstanton to see fulmars gliding along the edge of the clifftop we soon parked up at the reserve. We first took the straight path down towards the coast, where we were glad of warm clothing, hats and gloves due to the chilly breeze.  From the path to the hides we noticed a pair of male red crested pochards and a large flock of brent geese. Avocets and a couple of little ringed plovers were two new birds for list seen from hides together with a little grebe,  snipe and sandwich terns.  Walking back we stopped by a reed bed and were rewarded by a view of bearded tits, firstly a shape flitting across between the reed beds then seen quite clearly through binoculars amongst the reeds. 

After a delicious broccoli and cheese bake for lunch we headed towards home via Roydon Common where there had been reports of ring ouzels. None seen but a stonechat perching on the gorse was another tick for me.

 brent geese

 coot with rather ambitious nesting material



 greylag family

 greylag goose

 a keen birdwatcher

little grebe

 little ringed plover


oyster catcher on the beach
 red crested pochards

 sandwich tern





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