Butterfly Bonanza
With a hot day forecast I thought it would be a good idea to go out early butterfly watching so I parked up at Monks Wood just after 9am. I knew that silver washed fritillaries were now flying and had read reports of plenty of these and white admirals having been seen there. It wasnt long before I saw the first white admiral and then noticed a gentleman with camera and tripod standing staring at a particular patch of bramble further up the ride. I soon saw that there were a number of white admirals and silver washed fritillaries flying about and a few of them landed which enabled a few photographs. There were also large skippers, numerous meadow browns and my first ringlet sighting of the year together with one red admiral. Surprisingly I didnt see any speckled wood which in fact I have not seen much of at all this year so far. With Woodwalton Marsh being just a mile further on I drove on to see if I could achieve some photos of the marbled whites which had...